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It's Time

There is a life we know we’re supposed to be living. It’s time to get moving! Let’s make this year count. Every morning is a new start. The light is green - let’s go! It’s Time.

One Word

See what can God do with your life in 2025 through just ONE Word!

Christmas at the Crossroads

Come and celebrate our Newborn King!

His Name Shall Be Called

For unto us a Child is born. To us a Son is given. He will be called Wonderful Counselor. Mighty God. Everlasting Father. Of the Greatness of His Government and Peace, there will be NO end! Let’s dive into all the great things that “His Name Shall be Called.”

Kingdom Way

Seek first the Kingdom of God… Behold, the Kingdom of God is in your midst… His Kingdom come, His Will be done… His Kingdom is a treasure and cannot be shaken. Let’s learn more about the Kingdom Way!

In Christ

We are Spiritually Blessed. We are adopted Children of God. We are covered by His Grace. We are Saved. We are Unified. Chosen, Marked by His Holy Spirit. We are - In CHRIST! A study of Ephesians.

Pray First

Prayer. It’s not about who we are – it’s about who He is. Our response to life’s challenges can be worry, anger, or even hopelessness… But it’s time to discover the joy, peace, and purpose that only comes when you Pray First!

You Asked for It

Let’s face it – Life is full of Questions! Some big, some small. We asked YOU which questions topped the list. We may not have all the answers, but God’s Word DOES! It’s time to open it up, because – You Asked for It.

Summer at Crossroads

What would happen if we made this the "Summer of Jesus?" Let's lean into that idea as we learn more about our Church Pillars - loving God, finding freedom, discovering purpose, and making a difference!

Mission: Possible

Jesus Christ came. He radically impacted this world and showed us how to live. Then He went away. But before He went away, He gave a mission that we should combine our efforts together. That we should radically impact the world, too. It’s possible through His Spirit. It’s possible when we work in Unity. This is “Mission: Possible.”

Easter at Crossroads

You are the one He came to save. You are the one He loves. And you are His triumph. Celebrate the love of our Risen Savior with us this Easter!

Take Him at His Word

Jesus Christ - Is He Dependable? Is He Trust Worthy? Does He have a Purpose for MY life? Will He finish what He started? The answer is YES! His Promises are Good, He has DONE everything He has ever SAID, and we Take Him at His Word! Let's learn more about this, together.

My Family Tree

People. Situations. Life events. Where did you come from? Where are you going? What did it look like? And what WILL it look like? Let's dive into "My Family Tree."


Yes - Leadership is important. But, we're Christians and we HAVE a leader - Christ! In this series, we look at how to be better Followers of Him.

Baptism Sunday

Celebrate with us, as we have nearly 30 baptisms and dive deeper into our walk with God.

Christmas at Crossroads

Let's celebrate our Born King on Christmas, together!


Our God is MAGNIFICENT! As we start to lean into the Christmas season, let's learn what that truly means.


"Welcome Home," "You Belong," "Love God, Love People," "Giving THROUGH the Church," etc... Taglines like these remind us of who we are. But what do they really mean? Let's get into it.

Soul Care

We are all created by God with a unique Spirit, Soul, and Body. How we take care of those things is what we call "Soul Care." Let's dive into how the Bible teaches us to take care of ourselves.

Strings Attached

God’s LOVE for us is Un-Conditional… But, by looking at Scripture, we often find that His PROMISES are Conditional. In this series, we look into how to take full advantage of the Promises God has for us!

Summer at Crossroads

Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, & Make a Difference - That's what we're all about!

Beyond the Rules

Discovering the meaning behind the 10 Commandments! What do they really mean and how do they apply to our lives, now?

Come and See

It's the greatest story ever told! What does Jesus actually mean to you? Come and See.

Ready, Set, Go

Whenever we are in a season where we are taking new territory for God, we have to Get Ready, Get Set, and Go into Action.

The Four Chairs

What are your REAL Priorities? This series is a challenge to evaluate your priorities and Get Life In ORDER.

It's UnComplicated

Lots of things in life are Complicated, but our approach to living a God-Centered, God-Empowered Life doesn't have to be.

7 Days of Prayer

Prayer works and prayer is life-changing! In this message, we talk about having 7 days of prayer to start off 2023 on the right, God-centered note!

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