Join us as we intentionally seek God in prayer and believe for Him to move in powerful ways.
Join us LIVE at either location, Corinth or Booneville Mon-Fri 6:00-7:00
How to Be Involved:
Join us "In-Person" at either location
Commit to Prayer EVERY DAY during these 7 Days
Pray with FAITH, believing God for His Supernatural Help
Commit to Fasting during these 7 Days (help notes below)
Resources & Helps
Develop Your Prayer Life LONG-TERM
Do you have a DAILY QUIET TIME?
Commitment to a Daily QUIET TIME is one of the most powerful things you can implement in your personal life.
You simply need to commit to a TIME, a PLACE, and a PLAN.
It's simply an appointment with God every day to Be Still and Connect with Him.
Something we often recommend is called "MY 15"
5 Minutes of Worship: 1 Song that helps you focus on worshiping God.
5 Minutes of God's Word: Reading that helps you focus on His Truth.
5 Minutes of Prayer: Talking and Listening to God.
If you don't have a playlist of songs that can pull you into a time of personal worship, here's a link to a Spotify Worship Playlist from our friends at Church of the Highlands.
A Bible Reading Plan helps you stay on-track. One example: "Read the New Testament in a Year" - reading 1 chapter each day, 5 days each week.
If you don't already have it, we recommend the "YouVersion" Bible App. In this app, you'll find lots of devotions, interactive study groups, and different versions of the Bible.
Praying is sometimes intimidating, but it shouldn't be. Using a Prayer Plan is one of the most effective ways to still your mind and stay focused on God.
Here are two simple plans:
Do you have a FASTING PLAN?
Fasting is also sometimes intimidating, but it shouldn't be. This is simply a predetermined time where you will intentionally abstain from something in an effort to be closer to God.
Intentionally abstaining from food for spiritual purposes. It is humbling your soul (Reference- Psalm 35:13, Matthew 23:12). Fasting brings you into a deeper, more intimate and powerful relationship with the Lord.
Fasting is an act of humility before God to seek His divine intervention in the events of our physical world.
It brings revelation by the Holy Spirit of our true spiritual condition, leading to brokenness, repentance, and change, and allows the Holy Spirit to work in a most unusual, powerful way.
It transforms prayer into a richer, more personal experience and draws you closer to God. (Reference James 4:8)
While the Bible specifically refers to abstaining from food, during a time of fasting, in our modern world, you can also benefit greatly from abstaining from other things, such as social media, television, etc.
NOTE: Always know your personal health and consult your physician if needed before you begin fasting.